Howard has developed site-specific soil resource assessments, import and amendment strategies, specifications and implementation trainings for varied landscape projects. He has also provided construction observation and post-construction troubleshooting services for other Landscape Architects, construction managers and developers. Projects include:
Expedia Group Headquarters, Seattle. (Seneca Group). Provided construction observation and quality control for “natural” soils strategy on 40 acre site, and developed remediation strategies for problem areas. Providing ongoing guidance for landscape management, and evaluation of biological amendment program.
Waterfront Seattle. (Land Morphology/Fieldworks). Assisted with development of soil specifications featuring use of natural soils, evaluation and acceptance of soils and amendments. Trained project engineers to evaluate and verify soil quality and placement practices.
Parklane Park, Portland Parks and Recreation. (Walker-Macy). Evaluated on-site resources, drainage and other conditions for development of 25-acre reclaimed gravel quarry into a regional park. Developed soil reuse, import and amendment strategies and specifications. Ongoing involvement with bid evaluation, construction observation and quality control.
Montlake Triangle Garage, University of Washington. (Cedar Grove Composting Co.). Evaluated extent and causes of drainage and horticultural problems at renovated landscape on top of underground parking structure. Assessed field conditions, studies conducted by Owner’s consultants, specifications and geotechnical lab results. Helped remediate and avoid proposed replacement of 9,000 cubic yards of soil mixes.